Safety & Security

Emergency Assistance: Should you need emergency assistance please press 0 to reach the hotel operator. The guest rooms and house phone do not automatically provide the 911 operator your phone number or exact location. If you dial 911, please stay on the line and tell the 911 operator your phone number and exact location, including room number.

For Your Safety: Jogging, bicycling, fishing or recreational walking is not permitted on the golf course at any time.

Altitude: Flying Horse Resort & Club is approximately 6,700 ft. above sea level. Altitude sickness (Acute Mountain Sickness) is a common health concern for those who are visiting Colorado, particularly those who usually reside at sea level. Increased water intake is highly recommended. SPF sunscreen is advised year-round.

Personal Items: Please secure your valuables in the safe located in your closet. Be sure to securely close the door behind you upon entering or leaving your room. And be sure you have locked the sliding glass door. Do not leave your room keys on tables or other areas where they can easily be forgotten or stolen.

Alarm and Fire Procedures: The sounding of an alarm indicates a dangerous condition may exist within the building. When the alarm is activated our staff will promptly respond to the area and asses the emergency. We ask that you please allow Flying Horse staff to enter your guest room if they deem necessary in order to secure the area. Please proceed to the safest nearby area and await further instructions.

In the Event of a Fire: Please exit the area through the closest available exit and move to a safe place. If you are able and feel safe doing so, please dial “0” on your guest room phone or any house phone to report the emergency. The two hotel buildings have stair cases that should be used in the event of a fire. Please familiarize yourself with these exiting options.

Severe Weather: If you are outside, seek safe shelter immediately. If you are inside, stay away from windows and glass doors. Use stairwells, not elevators.